The U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program is hosted and offered by top Universities in the United States Of America, for international students seeking to pursue their Masters and Ph.D. studies/certifications.

The U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program is Partially funded, with an award to the tune of US$25,000, for one (1) year. The U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program offers more than 400 awards in over 135 countries of the world. The scholarships are for Masters and Ph.D. students who are citizens of the United States to teach, carry out research, and conduct professional projects around the world. As long as you are a member of a college and University faculty, artists, and professionals, you are eligible to join the program and become the path of over 400,000 Fullbrighters who have acquired advanced skills, new connections/networks, and greater mutual understanding through this program.

The U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program consists of 4 award categories, which are:

  • 1. Fulbright Scholar Awards
  • 2. Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards
  • 3. Fulbright Postdoctoral Awards
  • 4. Fulbright International Education Administrator Awards 

These sets of scholarship programs that fall under the U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program award over 1,700 fellowships annually to Academics and professionals in the United States. They provide several initiatives for cultural exchange. Below are the complete details of these 4 categories of the U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program:

1. Fulbright Scholar Awards

The Fulbright Scholar Awards has a total of five sub-categories of awards, which make up a large percentage of the awards offered to scholars, artists, and professionals at all career levels. The awards differ in their locations and eligibility requirements. Some of the awards may also not be available for certain career levels or types of scholars. You will find the complete information on the various criteria outlined in the description of the various awards.

A. Scholar Award

The Scholar Awards are a group of 333 Awards provided to students who seek to research, teach, and carry out professional projects in various countries cutting across Europe, Eurosia, the Middle East, North Africa, the Western Hemisphere, East Africa, the Pacific, South and Central Asia, Africa, Sub Saharan Africa, among others. Check the complete list of the awards, with their unique codes, Award Title, country/area, activity type, and region, on the link below, to find out which award type suits you.

B. Global Scholar Award

The Fullbright Global Scholar Awards offers international opportunities for U.S. academics and professionals to engage in projects that cut across multiple countries and regions. Any U.S. scholar who is applying for this award must be willing to propose research or combined teaching/research activity in two or three countries within two different world regions. Scholars who apply for this scholarship award are offered flexible schedule options, with trips conducted within one academic year or spread over two consecutive years.

The Grant is offered for the duration of three to six months with a maximum of one month to be spent in each host country, for each visit.

Here Are The Schedule For The Grant:

  • 1. One Multi-Country Trip: Scholars visit two or three host countries back-to-back in a single international trip. An example of the Grant segments is when a scholar visits Country A in September 2025, Country B in October 2025, and Country C in November 2025.
  • 2. Two or Three single-country trips (Flex): Scholars visit each host country on separate international trips, with time spent in the United States between trips. An example of the Grant segments is when a scholar visits Country A in June 2025-July 2025, Country B in December 2025-January 2026, and Country C (or A, or B) in April 2025-May 2025.
  • 3. Two Dual-Country Trips (Flex): Scholars visit two countries back and forth twice. An example of the Grant segments is when the scholar visits Country A in September 2025, Country B in October 2025, Country A in March 2026, and Country B in April 2026.
  • 4. Combination of One or Two Single Country Trips and One Dual Country Trip: An example of the Grant segments is when a scholar visits Country A in September 2025, Country A in March 2025, and Country B in April 2025.

Who Can Apply For The Fulbright Global Scholar Award?

The award is open to a diverse range of scholars, which includes early career, professor emeriti, and independent scholars, from all disciplines, not excluding scholars with an interdisciplinary research/teaching/project focus.

The Fulbright Global Scholar Award makes available research and lecturing opportunities that create a conducive environment for collaboration and long-lasting connections among scholars and institutions. To support this mission, scholars who receive this grant will be required to give public talks, mentor students, and as well engage with the host country community, while still carrying out their primary research or teaching/research activity.

Award Description:

The competition for the academic year 2025-2026 is now open. Interested candidates are called upon to register their interests at My Fulbright, after which they will receive the latest program updates and announcements. To learn more about the award requirements, click on the link to the Award Catalogue below:

. Fullbright Global Scholars Award Catalogue

Build Your Application:

The Fulbright Scholar Program has made available Webinars, Virtual advising sessions, and previously recorded webinars to assist you in submitting a competitive application. They have also included many helpful resources that would lead to your successful application for the Fulbright Scholar Program.

Apply HERE

For information on other Fulbright Scholar Programs, visit the opportunities page below:

You can contact the Fulbright Global Scholar Award here: [email protected]

The deadline for the application for the Fullbright Global Scholars Award is: September 15, 2024

C. Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship

The Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship offers career advancement opportunities to U.S. early and mid-career professionals and practitioners to serve in positions in ministries and institutions of foreign governments of participating countries around the world. The major role of the awardees of the Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship is contributing to the strengthening of the public sector in the countries that are hosting them, while also acquiring practical experience as to how the public policy apparatus works within a foreign government.

The Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship also provides eligible professionals the opportunity to participate in an independent professional project that provides the opportunity to interact with the local community of their host and further their career goals. The host county’s ministries and institutions provide data and resources for the professional projects under this program. The professional projects in this program may include public lectures, workshops, or other appropriate professional experiences.

The Fellows under this program are presented with the opportunity to further their knowledge and skills, which will in turn positively impact their host country’s communities and institutions, with the main goal of developing long-term collaborative networks in their respective fields between the U.S. and the host country.


Fullbright Public Policy Fellowships are not available in all parts of the world, but three, which are:

  • 1. Africa (Botswana and Rwanda)
  • 2. Western Hemisphere (Colombia and Peru)
  • 3. East Asia and the Pacific (Cambodia, Fiji, Mongolia, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam)
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Applicants who are eligible for these scholarships are those with skills applicable to public policy in any field. Below are the preferred fields of interest and/or potential ministry hosts, along with language requirements, for the available countries:

Western Hemisphere:


  • 1. Agriculture
  • 2. Energy
  • 3. Information Sciences
  • 4. Public/Global Health
Potential Host Ministries In Colombia:
  • 1. Ministry of Foreign Relations
  • 2. Ministry of Education
  • 3. Ministry of Culture
  • 4. National Planning Department
  • 5. National Apprenticeship Service (SENA)
  • 6. National Health Institute
  • 7. National Institute of Metrology
  • 8. Alexander von Humboldt Institute
  • 9. SINCHI Institute and Agrosavia

Required Language For Colombia: Advanced (superior) Spanish.


  • 1. Combatting Gender-Based Violence
  • 2. Social Inclusion
  • 3. Anti-Corruption
  • 4. Equality
  • 5. Integration
  • 6. Sustainability
  • 7. Dialogue and Reconciliation
  • 8. Identity and Diversity
Potential Host Ministries In Peru:
  • 1. Ministry of Agriculture
  • 2. Ministry of Tourism
  • 3. Ministry of Education
  • 4. Ministry of Energy and Mines
  • 5. Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations
  • 6. Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion
  • 7. Ministry of Production
  • 8. Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
  • 9. Ministry of Health
  • 10. Ministry of Transportation and Communications
  • 11. Ministry of the Environment
  • 12. Ministry of Culture
  • 13. Ministry of Housing and Construction
  • 14. Ministry of Labor
  • 15. Ministry of Economy and Finance
  • 16. The Mesa de Concertación de Lucha contra la Pobreza (a multiparty group that works on policies to fight poverty)
  • 17. The National Council for Science, Technology, and Technical Innovation (CONCYTEC)

Required Language For Peru: Advanced (superior) Spanish.



  • 1. Youth Employability
  • 2. Energy
  • 3. Renewable Energy
  • 4. Infrastructure Development
  • 5. Labor Relations
  • 6. Grassroots Development
  • 7. Civil Society Governance
  • 8. Advocacy to Strengthen Democracy
  • 9. Government Accountability
Potential Host Ministries In Botswana: 
  • 1. Ministry of Employment
  • 2. Labour Productivity
  • 3. Skills Development
  • 4. Ministry of Home Affairs
  • 5. Ministries of Basic and Tertiary Education
  • 6. Ministry of Youth, Sport, and Culture

Required Language: English (official language).


  • 1. Public health
  • 2. Infrastructure
  • 3. Governance
Potential Host Ministries In Rwanda:
  • 1. Ministry of Health
  • 2. Ministry of Infrastructure
  • 3. Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion
  • 4. Ministry of Local Government
  • 5. Rwanda Social Security Board

Required Language: The English language is the official language of all three countries in Africa. For Rwanda, additional fluency in French or Kinyarwanda is helpful but not required.

East Asia And The Pacific


Potential Host Ministries/Focus Areas In Cambodia:
  • 1. Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts

Required Language: English is sufficient. Proficiency in the Khmer language proficiency is not a must.


  • 1. Energy, Environmental Sciences
  • 2. Agricultural Sciences
  • 3. Economics
  • 4. Public Health
Potential Host Ministries In Cambodia:
  • 1. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
  • 2. Ministry of Health and Medical Services
  • 3. Ministry of Land and Mineral Resources
  • 4. Ministry of Fisheries and Forestry
  • 5. Ministry of Finance, Strategic Planning, National Planning & Development
  • 6. Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways
  • 7. National Disaster Management Office
  • 8. Ministry of Infrastructure and Meteorological Services (MIMS)
  • 9. Department of Energy (part of MIMS)

Required Language: English (Official language).


  • 1. Environmental and/or Energy Policy (including Water Management)
  • 2. Education
  • 3. Emerging Technologies
  • 4. Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • 5. Economics
  • 6. Public Health and Infectious Diseases
  • 7. Food Security
Potential Host Ministries In Thailand:
  • 1. Ministry of Public Health
  • 2. Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI)
  • 3. National Innovation Agency
  • 4. National Vaccine Institute
  • 5. Food and Drug Administration
  • 6. Ministry of Culture
  • 7. Ministry of Energy
  • 8. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 9. Thailand International Cooperation Agency

Required Language: English (sufficient); Thai language proficiency is not required but some knowledge of Thai is useful.


  • 1. Education
  • 2. Entrepreneurship
  • 3. Environment (focus on climate change)
  • 4. Food Security
  • 5. Human Rights
  • 6. Public Administration
  • 7. Public Health
  • 8. Small and Mid-Sized Enterprise (SMEs)
  • 9. Tourism Development
Potential Host Ministries In Timor-Leste:
  • 1. Ministry of Agriculture
  • 2. Livestock
  • 3. Fisheries, and Forestry
  • 4. Ministry of Education
  • 5. Ministry of Health
  • 6. Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Culture
  • 7. Ministry of Justice
  • 8. Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment
  • 9. Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion
  • 10. Ministry of Tourism and Environment
  • 11. Ministry of Trade and Industry
  • 12. Secretary of State for Secondary Education and Technical Schools
  • 13. Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment

Required Language: Sufficiency in Portuguese is encouraged and may be useful, but it is not required.


  • 1. Education
  • 2. Infrastructure
  • 3. Energy, Environment
  • 4. Economic Development
  • 5. Engineering
  • 6. Computer Science
  • 7. Social Work
  • 8. Information Technology
  • 9. Social Policy
  • 10. Public Policy
  • 11. Agriculture
  • 12. Rural Development
Potential Host Ministries For Vietnam:
  • 1. Ministry of Education and Training (The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences)
  • 2. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
  • 3. Ministry of Planning and Investment
  • 4. Ministry of Industry and Trade (Institute of Energy)
  • 5. Ministry of Science and Technology
  • 6. Women’s Union
  • 7. Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (under the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources)

Required Language: Sufficiency In The English Language. Vietnamese language proficiency is not required.


  • 1. Economic Development
  • 2. Finance & Banking
  • 3. Public Policy and Public Administration
  • 4. Technology Policy and Management
  • 5. Law and Human Rights
  • 6. Educational Administration, Planning, and Policy
  • 7. Mining Technology and Policy
  • 8. Environmental Protection
  • 9. International Relations
Potential Host Ministries In Mongolia:
  • 1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 2. Ministry of Education and Science
  • 3. Ministry of Finance
  • 4. Ministry of Justice
  • 5. Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry
  • Required Language: Mongolian is necessary, but not required.

Grant Details For Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship

The grant is offered for a minimum length of four months and a maximum of 9 months. However, the preferred grant duration is 8-9 months. The start and end dates for the Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship are flexible, covering 4-9 months of a semester or academic year. This gives you sufficient time to complete your project. The earliest start date for the 2025 program is July 2025, and March 2026. See the Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship Award as listed in our Catalog of Awards for more information.

Number Of Awards Available

10 Global Award – This depends on the length of the individual grants, and the funds available in the Global budget.

Other Required Activities

There is a scheduled virtual pre-departure orientation which is offered to Pre-Departure Orientation Fellows, in July 2025. Fellows going to Botswana, Rwanda, Cambodia, Fiji, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam will also be part of the Fulbright regional Pre-Departure Orientation in June/July 2025.

Webinar Registration– Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship Overview

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View webinar details and PowerPoint

For More Information on the Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship Contact: [email protected]

DEADLINE For The Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship: September 16, 2024

D. Amazonia

The Fullbright Amazonia Program is provided by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) in partnership with the Fulbright Commission in Brazil and the Institute of International Education, to support cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary, cross-sector collaboration on the Amazon region.

The Fullbright Amazonia program is a new platform for researchers who intend to carry out and support collaborative action-oriented research in Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, the United States, and Venezuela.

One of the sole purposes of the Fullbright Amazonia program is to build on protracted Brazil-U.S. environmental cooperation efforts to conserve the Basin’s biodiversity while promoting innovative approaches that preserve Amazonian social and ecological health and community traditions. With the region’s environmental sustainability in focus, the Fullbright Amazonia program employs the support of other binational Fulbright Commissions and U.S. Embassies in the Amazon Region, together with the collaborative work of partner nations and NGOs.

With a rich network and record of collaboration between U.S. and prestigious Amazonian universities and research centers, the Fulbright Amazonia Program is determined to foster multi-disciplinary research on the protection of the environment, its conservation, mitigation, and adoption priorities. With the quality of life of the communities that make up the Amazonian Basin as the major focus, the data-driven research carried out by the scholars under this project will inform actionable project outcomes and policies.

You Can Download the Fulbright Amazonia Flyer Here

The Program Structure:

Fullbright Amazonia has its foundation drawn from the rich history of their cohort-based exchange models which are found in the Fulbright Program. They include the Fulbright NEXUS, the New Century Scholar program, and the Fulbright Arctic Initiative. Program participants are driven to use a collaborative multidisciplinary framework that translates theory into practice, and in the long run, develop scientific networks and stimulate collaboration among each other.

The scholars under the Fullbright Amazonia are offered 18 months (one year and a half) in which they will solve public policy and other applied research questions regarding the shared opportunities and challenges relevant to the Amazonian nations. Approximately 16 exceptional applied researchers will take part in the inaugural cohort of Fulbright Amazonia Scholars, through the Fulbright Program’s rigorous open and merit-based competition process. This will include researchers from the United States and Brazil as well as Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. 

Research Themes:

The theme of the Fullbright Amazonia is centered around the support of applied and socially relevant research for researchers to contribute to policies and provide innovative solutions for a more sustainable Amazonian region/Amazon Basin. There are three main thematic areas in which researchers will work in teams, to engage in multi-disciplinary research, analysis, and problem-solving. The themes are: 

i.    Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

The Amazon region is being impacted by climate change, especially marginalized groups including Indigenous peoples, traditional ethnic groups, and family farmers. These people are particularly vulnerable because of the sensitivity of their livelihoods to climate change and the limited institutional capability to adapt. Research on creative adaptation techniques and societal and legislative barriers must be done to lessen susceptibility. Examples of socio-ecological adaptations to climate change include Agroforestry systems, environmental services, restoration projects, fisheries management, and alternate sources of income. Institutional responses and policies should incorporate traditional knowledge systems as well.

ii.    Strengthening Human and Environmental Health and Security

Climate change, long-standing problems, and new forces pose serious dangers to human communities and the ecosystem in the Amazon region. Analyzing relationships across scales and looking into novel configurations that worsen environmental conditions and have detrimental effects are essential steps in addressing these challenges. Emerging issues like finance dynamics, land grabbing, deforestation, extractivism, illicit mining, and agrotoxins should all be covered in proposals. They might also concentrate on new approaches to successfully address challenges, social movements, or legislative initiatives.

iii.    Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development

The forest and water biodiversity of Amazonia provides a favorable setting for commercial initiatives that support environmental conservation and the welfare of farmers, indigenous people, and traditional communities. In discussions of research and policy, the “Amazonian bio-economy” and sustainable value chains are gaining traction. By fostering socio-biodiverse products, breaking down barriers to market consolidation, and establishing connections between rural communities and markets, these initiatives aim to create locally embedded economies that have positive effects on the economy, society, and environment.

Program Activities:

A minimum of six weeks and a maximum of three consecutive months (either in one or two visits) of individual exchange experience will be undertaken by selected Amazonian scholars. This is in addition to monthly virtual full-cohort meetings and regular virtual research activities, all within their assigned research teams. The applicants from the United States are mandated to propose an exchange visit to another participating country in the region, except Venezuela. Scholars from the Amazon nations are expected to do the same for an exchange to the United States. Participants from both regions are required to be a part of three in-person-cohort plenary meetings, which include a kickoff gathering in Brazil, a mid-program meeting in another Amazon country, and a final culminating session in Washington DC (see timeline for more details).

Intellectual leadership and guidance will be provided by two prominent experts, Jeffrey Hoelle (from the United States, from the University of California, Santa Barbara) and Carlos Valério Aguiar Gomes(from Brazil, from the Federal University of Pará). Both of them have been selected by the program as Co-Lead Scholars for the inaugural cohort.

Award Benefits:

A stipend of $40,000 will be received by each Amazon scholar, to support their international travel and exchange visits. This stipend is an addition to the host of professional development benefits that come with their participation in the cohort program.

Fullbright Amazon Scholars will receive ASPE health benefits for the duration of their exchange visits and there are three international program meetings. Scholars are advised to maintain any additional health insurance coverage they may have throughout the period they are participating in the program.

Participating Fullbright Offices For The Fullbright Amazonia Program:

Fulbright Commissions

The Fulbright Commission in Brazil

The Fulbright Commission in Colombia

The Fulbright Commission in Ecuador

The Fulbright Commission in Peru

U.S. Embassy Posts

The U.S. Embassy in Bolivia

The U.S. Embassy in Guyana

The U.S. Embassy in Suriname

The U.S. Embassy in Venezuela

CLICK HERE TO: Visit The Fullbright Amazonia Program Website To View The Timeline, Eligibility, Application Steps, Highlights, and Scholars.

2. Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards

The Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards are set aside as the most renowned and prestigious awards offered to scholars in the Fulbright Scholar Program. Scholars who are eligible for this award are those who have more than 7 years of experience in their discipline or area of expertise. However, some of the awards under this category may have other criteria for eligibility. Scholars who meet the required criteria for eligibility are advised to actively engage host institutions in the spirit of promoting mutual understanding and sharing knowledge.

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The Fulbright Postdoctoral Awards was created to assist scholars who have just recently graduated in their goals of conducting research and receiving professional training abroad. These scholars are also expected to teach, in addition to their research work. Scholars who have received a doctoral degree (Ph.D., J.D., M.D., Ed.D., etc.) within 5-7 years of the fellowship start date, are open to postdoctoral awards. The conferment of a Degree before the start of the award is mandatory. It is a requirement to be affiliated with an institution in the United States.

4. Fulbright International Education Administrator Awards

The Fulbright International Education Administrator Awards is strictly for international education professionals and senior higher education officials. It offers them an opportunity to engage in a two-week intensive seminar to study, engage, and learn about the host country’s education system and establish a robust network of U.S. and international colleagues.

Here is a List of 6 Awards for International Education Administrators, The Country of the program, and the region in the world:

  • 1. U.S.- France International Education Administrators Program -Seminar ((France, Europe and Eurasia)
  • 2. U.S.-Germany International Education Administrators Program – Seminar (Germany, Europe, and Eurasia)
  • 3. Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Program -Seminar (India, South and Central Asia)
  • 4. U.S.-Japan International Education Administrators Seminar – Seminar (Japan,       East Asia and the Pacific)
  • 5. U.S.-Korea International Education Administrator Program – Seminar (South Korea, East Asia and the Pacific)
  • 6. U.S.-Taiwan International Education Administrators Seminar – Seminar (Taiwan, East Asia and the Pacific)

View all the Awards and their Codes Here: Fulbright International Education Administrator Awards

Time Duration For Fullbright Opportunities

The awards and opportunities under the Fullbright group of programs range from a few months to a full year, with many of the awards offering flexible/adjustable durations. You can find the start dates and durations of each award on their respective description and timelines. There are a good number of awards that offer Flex options to scholars who require multiple visits to their host country. This Flex option makes it possible for grants to be conducted over short segments, most preferably during the fall and/or spring semesters.  Applying scholars are advised to clearly indicate their plans for Flex in their project statement and include a project timeline.

Here is a list of Awards that allow for a Flex Option: 77 Fullbright Awards With Flex Options

Career Profile

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program caters to 8 professional career categories. They are:

Getting Started With The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

Step 1: Confirm Eligibility

All applicants for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program are mandated to review the eligibility requirements before proceeding with their application. Applicants are also advised to review the Leave and Support resources.

Step 2: Explore Award Activities

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers a total of four (4) programs, with various categories ranging from one to four activities for the participating scholars. They are:

  • 1. Research
  • 2. Teaching
  • 3. Teaching/Research
  • 4, Professional Projects
  • To Read more about them, Visit the Getting Started Page

Step 3: Select Award

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program website has an advanced Award Search, that helps applicants filter through numerous awards to find the ones that closely align to their field and interest. Each award provides tabs for the Award Details, Award Requirements, and Award Benefits. Please be informed that applicants can only apply for one award per application cycle.

Note: Letters Of Invitation – It is the responsibility of every applicant to obtain and upload the letter of invitation to their Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program application if it is a requirement for the desired award. If required, preferred, or optional for that particular award, applicants are encouraged to solicit a letter of invitation as soon as possible.

Step 5: Start an Application

The 2025-26 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Competition is now open to scholars who are eligible to apply. Please visit to see a list of our awards.

Step 6: Create a Competitive Application

There are specific criteria that the Review Board for each award uses in evaluating applications and choosing which scholar to award. To understand the Review Criteria, visit the Review Criteria Page to learn more about the basic objectives of the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

Connect​​​​​ With The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

Sign up for the My Fulbright newsletter to receive the latest program updates, webinar schedules, helpful resources, and suggestions for application assistance.

Speak with a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Alumni Ambassador

Explore the Scholar Directory

Find your Scholar Liaison

Join an Office Hour or Register for a Webinar


To view the complete timeline for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, Visit the Overview page, and click on the Timeline Tab.


To view the Eligibility requirements for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, Visit the Overview page, and click on the Eligibility Tab.

Application Steps

To read the application steps requirements for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, Visit the Overview page, and click on the Application Steps Tab.

Review Process

To understand the Review Process for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, Visit the Overview page, and click on the Review Process Tab.


There are numerous questions that accompany the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, and this is because of its broadness and the number of awards provided throughout its various categories of awards. The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program has answered many of the numerous questions in its FAQS section. To access them, Visit the FAQS tab on the Overview page.

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